Results for 'Clement of Alexandria'

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  1.  49
    Christ the Teacher.Clement of Alexandria - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):207-209.
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  2. Clement of Alexandria.Eric Osborn - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    Clement of Alexandria lived and taught in the most lively intellectual centre of his day. This book offers a comprehensive account of how he joined the ideas of the New Testament to those of Plato and other classical thinkers. Clement taught that God was active from the beginning to the end of human history and that a Christian life should move on from simple faith to knowledge and love. He argued that a sequence of three elliptical relations (...)
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    Clement of Alexandria: a study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism.Salvatore Romano Clemente Lilla - 1971 - [London]: Oxford University Press.
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    Clement of Alexandria and Plutarch.M. R. James - 1900 - The Classical Review 14 (01):23-24.
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    Clement of alexandria on Aristotle's (cosmo-) theology (clem. Protrept. 5.66. 4).Clemens Alexandrinus & Protrepticus und Paedagogus - 1986 - Elenchos 7:245-94.
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    Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticvs and the Phaedrvs of Plato.G. W. Butterworth - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (04):198-.
    A very slight reading of Clement of Alexandria is enough to prove how deeply he is indebted to Plato both in respect of language and of thought. Quotations from Plato are to be found throughout Clement's works, and in many cases acknowledgment is made of their origin. In addition there are frequent allusions, which for the most part the student of Plato can easily recognize. Clement invariably shows a profound respect for the Greek philosopher, whom he (...)
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    Clement of Alexandria's treatment of the problem of evil.William Edward Gregory Floyd - 1971 - London,: Oxford University Press.
  8.  30
    The Excess of Moderation: Clement of Alexandria against Laughter.Luis Xavier López-Farjeat & María-Elena García-Peláez - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):1-24.
    The aim of this article is to revisit Clement of Alexandria’s Paedagogus 2.5.45-8 discussing whether Clement holds a moderate position οf laughter or, like most early Christians, tends to an “antigelastic” position. Some scholars, such as Stephen Halliwell and Laura Rizzerio, have concluded that Clement holds an intermediate position between an optimistic approach to laughter and its condemnation. However, in this essay we argue that while Clement’s position is not a straightforward antigelastic one, his apparent (...)
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    Clement of Alexandria on Aristotle's (Cosmo-)Theology (Clem. Protrept. 5.66.4).A. P. Bos - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):177-.
    In this paper I will reconsider the doxographical text about Aristotle in Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus 5.66.4: οδν δ ομαι χαλεπν νταθα γενμενος κα τν κ το Περιπτου μνησθναι· κα γε τς αρσεως πατρ, τν λων ο νοσας τν πατρα, τν καλομενον ‘πατον’ ψυχν εναι το πντος οεται· τουτστι το κσμου τν ψυχν θεν πολαμβνων ατς ατ περιπερεται. γρ τοι μχρι τς σελνης ατς διορζων τν πρνοιαν, πειτα τν κσμον θεν γομενος περιτρπεται, τν μοιρον θεο θεν δογματζων.
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    The Hellenism of Clement of Alexandria.R. E. Witt - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):195-.
    In seeking to understand the development of philosophy in later antiquity it is important to take account of Clement of Alexandria, perhaps the first Christian writer to be greatly influenced by the systems of Greece. Accordingly in this article certain aspects of Clement's doctrine will be selected for examination where his obligations to the philosophers have apparently hitherto received insufficient attention. In a valuable paper Mr. R. P. Casey has dealt with many important points, but there is (...)
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  11. Clement of Alexandria on Imagination.Kate Gordon Moore - 1956 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 37 (1):38.
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  12. Clement of Alexandria's Treatment of the Problem of Evil.W. E. G. Floyd - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):175-176.
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    On Clement of Alexandria. Stromateis, I. § 158.J. Cook Wilson - 1908 - Classical Quarterly 2 (04):293-.
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    Christian Virginity in Clement of Alexandria.Ángel Gerónimo Llopis & Laura García Garcés - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:133-153.
    Resumen El presente estudio investiga la opción cristiana por la virginidad en el pensamiento de Clemente de Alejandría. En nuestro autor no se encuentra una doctrina organizada sobre la virginidad cristiana, sin embargo, resulta sorprendente que si se estudian estos comentarios aislados de forma conjunta, se puede descubrir de forma clara y certera el pensamiento del maestro de Alejandría sobre la virginidad dentro del cristianismo. En este estudio, las citas textuales de las obras de Clemente de Alejandría servirán de referencia (...)
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    Clement of alexandria[REVIEW]L. Michael Harrington - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):326-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Clement of AlexandriaL. Michael HarringtonEric Osborn. Clement of Alexandria. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. xviii + 324. Cloth, $85.00.With Clement of Alexandria, Eric Osborn returns to the subject of his 1957 book, The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria, but its style and themes more closely resemble his more recent studies of second-century Christian thinkers: Tertullian, First Theologian of the (...)
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  16.  69
    Clement of Alexandria[REVIEW]Lynne Spellman - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (1):235-238.
  17.  40
    How alexandrian was Clement of alexandria? Reflections on Clement and his alexandrian background.Annewies van den Hoek - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (2):179–194.
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    Themis at eleusis: Clement of alexandria, protrepticus 2.22.5.Renaud Gagné & Miguel Herrero - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (1):289-.
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    The Achievement of Clement of Alexandria.John Ferguson - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (1):59 - 80.
    In his masterly book Christ and Culture H. Richard Niebuhr identified five main attitudes which Christians have taken towards secular culture. The first emphasizes the opposition between Christ and culture. In the New Testament it is best seen in Revelation and in the First Epistle of John. But it appears in its most radical form in Tertullian, though even he is not wholly consistent. Men are under illusions from their very culture . Graeco-Roman society was shot through and through with (...)
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  20. Plutarch of Chaeronea, clement of Alexandria and the bio- and technomorphic aspects of creation.Lautaro Roig Lanzillota - 2022 - In Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (ed.), Plutarch and the New Testament in their religio-philosophical contexts: bridging discourses in the world of the early Roman empire. Boston: Brill.
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  21. God beyond knowing : Clement of Alexandria and discourse.Annewies van den Hoek - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.), God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
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    The way of ἀνάλυσις: Clement of Alexandria and the Platonic tradition.Daniel Jugrin - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52 (2):71.
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    The so-Called Eighth stromateus by Clement of Alexandria: Early Christian Reception of Greek Scientific Methodology.Matyás̆ Havrda - 2016 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Matyáš Havrda & Clement.
    The so-called eighth _Stromateus_ is a series of excerpts on inquiry, demonstration, scepticism, and causal theory, made or adopted by Clement of Alexandria. This book provides a translation and commentary of the text and a study of its origin and purpose.
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    Matyáš Havrda. The So-Called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of Alexandria: Early Christian Reception of Greek Scientific Methodology.Anna Zhyrkova - 2017 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 22 (1):103-104.
    This article reviews the book The So-Called Eighth Stromateus by Clement of Alexandria: Early Christian Reception of Greek Scientific Methodology, by Matyáš Havrda.
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  25. The Mystery of Play: Clement of Alexandria’s Appropriation of Philo in the Paedagogus.Andrew Dinan - 2007 - The Studia Philonica Annual 19:59-80.
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    How alexandrian was Clement of alexandria? Reflections on Clement and his alexandrian background.Annewies Hoek - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (2):179-194.
  27. Know yourself in Clement of alexandria: Self-knowledge, God-knowldege and the transformation of self.Henny Fiskå Hägg - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter (eds.), Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  28. Moral pathology : passions, progress, and protreptic in Clement of Alexandria.L. Michael White - 2007 - In John T. Fitzgerald (ed.), Passions and Moral Progress in Greco-Roman Thought. Routledge.
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    On Two Fragments of Heraclitus in Clement of Alexandria.J. Mansfeld - 1984 - Mnemosyne 37 (3-4):447-451.
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    Critical Notes on the First Book of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria.J. B. Mayor - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (06):233-239.
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    Interpretation and the semiotics of allegory in Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Augustine.Martin Irvine - 1987 - Semiotica 63 (1-2):33-72.
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  32. The notion of akolouthia as logic of truth in Clement-of-alexandria.L. Rizzerio - 1987 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 79 (2):175-195.
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    The Transformation of the Stoic Ethic in Clement of Alexandria.Denis J. M. Bradley - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (1):41-66.
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    The Use of Daniel 3 in the Eclogae Propheticae (Chs. 1-9) of Clement of Alexandria.Joseph Calleja - 1986 - Augustinianum 26 (3):401-411.
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    The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria[REVIEW]Albert C. Outler - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (2):270-273.
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    On the Text of the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria.J. P. Postgate - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (04):237-.
    The germ of the following paper is as old as the previous century, when in the year 1898 my attention was accidentally drawn to one of the passages discussed below. But progress was impossible until the facts of the MS.tradition of the Stromateis were properly presented–a service for which we are indebted to the excellent edition of Clement by Dr. O. Stählin.
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  37. Early Christian philosophers: Justin, Irenaeus, Clement of alexandria, tertullian Eric osborn1.Irenaeus Justin - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 3--187.
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    MISCELLANISM - (J.M.F.) Heath Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice. Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing. Pp. viii + 428. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Cased, £75, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-108-84342-3. [REVIEW]Matyáš Havrda - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):362-364.
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    Barnard's Edition of Clement of Alexandria[REVIEW]J. B. Mayor - 1898 - The Classical Review 12 (1):45-48.
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    Andrew C. Itter, Esoteric Teaching in the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria[REVIEW]Salvatore R.. C. Lilla - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):577-591.
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    D. K. Buell: Making Christians: Clement of Alexandria and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy. Pp. xiv + 221. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Cased, $39.50. ISBN: 0-691-05980-2. [REVIEW]L. A. H. Emmett - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):619-620.
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    H. B. Timothy: The Early Christian Apologists and Greek Philosophy exemplified by Irenaeus Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria. Pp. 4+101. Assen : Van Gorcum, 1973. Paper, fl. 18.50. [REVIEW]J. Neville Birdsall - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (2):330-330.
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    Fate, freedom, and happiness: Clement and Alexander on the dignity of human responsibility.Daniel Robinson - 2019 - Piscataway: Gorgias Press LLC.
    In what particular manner human beings are free moral agents and to what extent they can reasonably expect to attain a good life are two intertwined questions that rose to prominence in antiquity and have remained so to the present day. This book analyzes and compares the approaches of two significant authors from different schools at the turn of the third century CE, Alexander of Aphrodisias and Clement of Alexandria. These contemporaries utilize their respective Peripatetic and Christian commitments (...)
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    Καταβολἠ κόσμου in Clemente e Origene: Convergenze o divergenze?Matteo Monfrinotti - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):337-380.
    The study intends to treat the merits of the phrase καταβολὴ κόσμου as it is interpreted and applied by Clement of Alexandria and Origen. It also aims to determine whether within these two authors, who share the same philosophical and theological background, there are convergent or divergent viewpoints concerning an expression which assumes significant importance especially in protological reflection.
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    Знање и традиција код Климента Александријског.Filip Ivanovic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):264-274.
    One of the most important exponents of the School of Alexandria, Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150. – ca. 215.) is the author of a famous trilogy, consisting of Protrepticus, Paedagogus, and Stromata, which correspond to the three ways of acting of the Logos, namely to convert the pagans to the true faith, to cure the soul from passions, and to uplift the soul to the methodic and intellectual life of spiritual perfection. Logos thus acts through exhortation, training, (...)
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  46.  26
    Il Dio Creatore nelle testimonianze esamerali di Teofilo di Antiochia e Clemente di Alessandria.Matteo Monfrinotti - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):7-44.
    Early Christian authors were challenged by the impenetrable question of the origin of the world, but persevered in tracing the creation of the universe back to the one and only God. Part of their response was to defend the truth of God, the Father and Creator by meditating and commenting on the biblical account of the six days of creation. The commentaries on the Hexameron which we have are by Theophilus of Antioch and Clement of Alexandria. Theophilus, author (...)
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  47.  27
    La santa prole. Il frutto del matrimonio cristiano nella teologia di Clemente di Alessandria.Miklós Gyurkovics - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):45-65.
    The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the teaching of Clement of Alexandria on marriage is closely related to the author’s soteriology and cosmology. The study focuses on the Third Book of Stromateis, which provides insight into the different Christian views on marriage at the end of the second century. Study of the Third Book of Stromateis also reveals Clement’s unique method of argument, by means of which he corrects the theological positions of his opponents. (...)
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  48.  47
    Résurgences platoniciennes dans la pensée théologique de Fénelon : le gnostique de Saint Clément d'Alexandrie.Monika Simon - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 128 (2):211.
    Cet article étudie l'interprétation, par Fénelon, des arguments platoniciens de Clément d'Alexandrie destinés, dans les Stromates, à inciter la conversion des païens au christianisme. S'il reconnaît la dette du Père alexandrin à l'égard de la pensée académique, Fénelon, pourtant, déforme et escamote les sources platoniciennes tout au long de son opuscule, dans le but évident de conformer la pensée de celui-ci à sa conception de l'élévation gnostique. Le platonisme du Gnostique de Fénelon est moins redevable à la tradition alexandrine qu'à (...)
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  49.  47
    The Accession and Dismissal of An Upstart Handmaid.Wayne P. Pomerleau - 1977 - The Monist 60 (2):213-227.
    From early in the Christian era—certainly from the time of Clement of Alexandria—and for centuries thereafter, Western philosophy was considered the “handmaid of theology.” Its job was to be of whatever assistance possible to “faith seeking understanding.” In the modern period, with the gradual waxing of a liberated science and waning of ecclesiastical dominance over every facet of intellectual life, the functions of the maid became recognized as of comparable value and validity with those of the mistress. While (...)
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  50.  54
    El sumo sacerdocio en Filón y la lectura de Clemente Alejandrino.Marta Alesso - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (2):27-42.
    El artículo rastrea brevemente las propiedades del sumo sacerdote en el AT y resume el modo en que esta figura se presenta en la obra de Filón. El sumo sacerdote se presenta en los textos filónicos con tres características: 1.- como mediador (Fug. 108-115); 2.- exento de pecado por completo (Fug. 117-118; Spec. 1. 80-81); 3.- investido por los cuatro elementos (Mos. 2. 117-130; Spec. 1. 84-96). La teología de Clemente Alejandrino va a proyectar a Jesucristo, poco más de un (...)
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